Friday, May 29, 2009

New and Improved - Big Brothers and Big Sisters of South Texas

BBBS of South Texas recently had their website redesigned. They were part of a group of non-profits who won a free web makeover from NPower Texas. They were looking for a simple but clean website to feature their fundraising events. They also wanted to make it easier for the general public to complete online volunteer forms based on a persons region as well as have parents register their children for their programs.

Before (left) After (right)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wikispaces for Non-Profits

The following information has been offered by TechSoup. These offers don't last long so check it out. There may be some restrictions so be sure you review those:

Most people have heard of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that the whole world can edit. Wikispaces can allow your nonprofit to create your own wiki to share information, store resources, and collaboratively modify content. Wikispaces is a wiki hosting service that allows you to create a collaborative Web site that is easy to setup and use. You choose who has access to create or modify content, and because each version of a page on Wikispaces is saved, users can compare versions or go back to a previous version for reference. Wikispaces hosts the wiki sites, so setup is easy.

Donated Service to Help You: The admin fee for a Wikispaces subscription is only $10 per year.

Learn More at TechSoup: Read how your organization can create and edit online content quickly and easily using Wikispaces in TechSoup's Mini Guide to Wikispaces.

Or visit for more information.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Free Google Apps for Non-Profits

Google Docs allows users to share the same online copy of each document, spreadsheet, or presentation. All revisions are saved and recoverable. Presentations can be delivered to remote audiences, and documents and spreadsheets can be published internally for people to view. Import and collaboratively edit or publish from .doc, .xls, .csv, .ppt, .txt, .html, .pdf and other file formats. Best of all, Google Docs is totally free to use!

Short video explaining the concept in plain english

Explore Google Apps and what's available

If you are a registered non-profit, here's how you get hooked up!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Myths and Facts About Targeting and Personalizing Your E-mail Promotions

Target and personalized e-mail promotions are possibly the two most dramatic ways of increasing your e-mail response rates. However the case, a recent report found that only 4 percent of marketers personalize e-mail promotions. As shocking as this statistic may be, there are several myths about targeting and personalizing e-mail promotions that encourage resistance from most businesses. The only way to... go to the source